Redemption from Confusion: A Journey of Growth and Opportunity

3 min readJun 28, 2023

This year has been a rollercoaster of redemption and confusion for me. It began with a burning desire to land my first job after college, following a year of relentless searching and countless interviews. Little did I know that what awaited me was not just a job, but also personal growth, a deepening passion for writing, and a powerful tool that sparked countless ideas. And yes, you guessed it — the tool was ChatGPT.

For the first six months, I dove headfirst into writing, dedicating my days and nights to refining my skills and analyzing my career goals. From toiling away long hours at a job I was eager to leave to late-night job applications from the comfort of my own home, the days seemed to blend together, blurring the lines of time.

During this period, I momentarily strayed from my focus on UX and copywriting, as the singular goal dominating my mind was simply to secure any job and establish myself. Just as I was on the verge of resigning myself to a mundane dead-end job, an offer for a writing role came my way, and my heart leaped with joy. I celebrated as if I had just won the NBA Finals. Some may view it as an overreaction, but here’s the thing about that first opportunity — it opens doors to more opportunities and adds a vital piece to the puzzle of your career growth.

As I journey towards becoming the writer I aspire to be — an expert in UX and a published author — I’ve come to appreciate the initial struggle. I value the lessons learned through the hardships and the understanding that falling down is inevitable; what matters is having the resilience to get back up. Most importantly, I’ve learned the art of embracing feedback from all directions.

After a month of working and growing in my new role, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to reflect on how I want to continue developing, and I encourage each of you to do the same. We are all architects of our own transformation — sharpening our editing skills, refining mockups for our UX careers, and honing our writing prowess. Witnessing the collective drive to become something more in life is truly inspiring.

As careers and lives continue to evolve, one aspect that remains constant for me is the importance of creating more for myself. The battle of job hunting and finding happiness may feel like it’s nearing its end, but for individuals like me, there’s a constant reminder to keep building and writing for the next opportunity, whether within the same company or beyond. This can be a challenging realization to accept, especially when comfort settles in or when ambition pushes us to want too much too soon.

If I could offer any advice, it would be to cultivate humility and gratitude for the journey that is your life and career. Find a balance that allows you to progress steadily. Embrace both the lows and the highs, and remember to be kind to yourself along the way. And don’t forget to give ChatGPT a try — it just might surprise you with its capabilities.

Check out my LinkedIn if you want to connect or stop by and say hey!

P.S I’m working on my second book Chained Stairs, stay tuned till then check out my first book Midnight Mirage.




A writer lost in a sea of UX, trying to find his ship. Join me on my journey as I write content surrounding UX Writing and poetry.